Sunday, 27 March 2016

New Blog...

For anyone who happens to come across this, I decided to start a new blog called In The Stars Above, where I will talk about everything, not just books. I found this blog to be a little restricting because I could inly talk about books and I'm not reading enough lately for this to be enough. So head on over there for books, films, fashion and more.

Monday, 14 March 2016

Series I Need To Finish

Here is a list of all the book series that I have started and want to finish. There are many series that I have started and don't really want to finish, but these are the ones that I will be trying to finish over the next year/

Uglies Series - Scott Westerfeld
I've read the first book of this series, but need to read the two sequels and the spin off. I've heard good things, and I enjoyed Uglies, it's just taking me a while to get around to it.

Study Series - Maria V Snyder
I've read two of the three books of the initial books in this series. Snyder has then written another trilogy in the same world that I don't really know a lot about, so I may not read the,, but I definitely want to read Fire Study.

Black Dagger Brotherhood - J R Ward
I lover this series so much, but I was borrowing them from the local library so since I caught up with the publication and my library didn't have new releases, I've fallen behind. I want to buy them all and re-read them all, because I can't remember exactly which book I'd gotten up to

Throne of Glass Series - Sarah J Maas
I was a massive fan of the first book, preordered the second, then never got around to reading the third. Not the fourth book is out and I haven't even bought it yet. I really need to focus on getting this series read.

The Lunar Chronicles - Marissa Meyer
I think this is the series that I most want to finish. The only reason I haven't is that Winter only recently got released and I haven't been able to afford to buy it, but it is the first thing I will be spending my birthday and christmas money on.