Monday, 14 March 2016

Series I Need To Finish

Here is a list of all the book series that I have started and want to finish. There are many series that I have started and don't really want to finish, but these are the ones that I will be trying to finish over the next year/

Uglies Series - Scott Westerfeld
I've read the first book of this series, but need to read the two sequels and the spin off. I've heard good things, and I enjoyed Uglies, it's just taking me a while to get around to it.

Study Series - Maria V Snyder
I've read two of the three books of the initial books in this series. Snyder has then written another trilogy in the same world that I don't really know a lot about, so I may not read the,, but I definitely want to read Fire Study.

Black Dagger Brotherhood - J R Ward
I lover this series so much, but I was borrowing them from the local library so since I caught up with the publication and my library didn't have new releases, I've fallen behind. I want to buy them all and re-read them all, because I can't remember exactly which book I'd gotten up to

Throne of Glass Series - Sarah J Maas
I was a massive fan of the first book, preordered the second, then never got around to reading the third. Not the fourth book is out and I haven't even bought it yet. I really need to focus on getting this series read.

The Lunar Chronicles - Marissa Meyer
I think this is the series that I most want to finish. The only reason I haven't is that Winter only recently got released and I haven't been able to afford to buy it, but it is the first thing I will be spending my birthday and christmas money on.

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